Saturday, December 26, 2009

Root Beer or Orange Soda lip gloss?

I can't decide between root beer and orange soda. help!Root Beer or Orange Soda lip gloss?
Orange soda. Definately.

Is there by chance a cream soda?Root Beer or Orange Soda lip gloss?
root beer lip gloss,have you ever tried them both at the same time?
orange soda i dont like rootbeer that much
orange soda
Root beer cream and root beer.
Neither YUCK!
Root Beer! I've been looking for root beer lip gloss but they don't sell it at Walgreens anymore. Let me know where you find it!
Root beer.
Go orange soda. It packs that citrus punch.
do they have voka gimlet
r u joking root beer that sound abousltly vile go for orange soda if u are gna pick somthing
get them both! Its to hard to decide with them both being amazing...

But If I really have to pick on I say orange...
top lip put root beer

bottom lip put orange

then kiss someone.
ha, u remember those old war head candies wit the fizzy stuff in the middle? well they should make orange soda kind......ok, go with orange soda
Six of each please and more next week!!
orange soda.
I have RootBeer and it sucks, so go with orange soda.
root beer

but get both
Otange soda of course


Fruity !

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